Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

two Jan 2019. [Updated]

From my many years of research a picture has formed, and I might add, a very palatable image in which a more than likely reality offers up the idea that previous to the Crusades, Christendom was a huge realm with monarchs overseeing each nation under the authority of a Church building that represented the message in the Gospels. That said, equally we exist postal service Crusades we must also inquire…do we know what those Gospels taught?

Pre-Crusades, the system was administered through the Abbeys and Monasteries, the biggest and most powerful of which in Europe, was the Abbey at Cluny in Burgundy. From 909 AD, this monastery was taken over by the warrior cast, the Carolingian dynasty of Charlemagne, who then set about, as the Holy Roman Emperor, inverting the Benedictine doctrine on country buying and became a powerful religious society that required state and more than state, holding and more than land and even some more. Land became their currency. What they carried out was the formation of the feudal system which they thrust on Northern France and onto England in 1066.[A]

Something changed around a thousand years ago, the once global empire collapsed and in rushed a lesser priestcraft that has moved to hibernate and demolish all bear witness of the old empire headed, according to Druid lore, out of the Blessed Isle of Ireland. The new and twisted doctrine was maybe born out of the Talmud and administered into the west through the Druid Dis. Perhaps Rome did too much of a job on the original Druids of Albion, a vacuum created and in ran some other elite?

The grid was changed to ensure all magical efforts served the inverse of the tree, this new empire is built in the tunnels of Gear up which feeds the Qlippothic globe and shifts the matrix into hell. The architecture they are hiding under the title of Tartaria is more than probable the old advanced empire that operated according to the grid brought about by Jesus and his thousand yr reign, that this new creed was headed not in Russia at all, which from 1917 has been the playground of the Bolshevik, an incursion that would shift the Russian Orthodox Church building abroad from Christ and into the hands of the atheist, the ones who hate as the only function.

This was an easy shift given the pre-Mongol invasion under the 35-twelvemonth reign of Vladimir'due south son Yaroslav established Russia, with its capital at Kiev, as a kingdom in the mainstream of medieval Europe. It also secures the throne for a dynasty which survives in direct descent for half dozen centuries (till the fourth dimension of Boris Godunov), even though those centuries see much diminution of Russian territory and a shift of power from Kiev to Moscow.

Yaroslav turns Kiev into a glorious Christian city in the Byzantine tradition, founding monasteries, adding a spectacular Golden Gate to the boondocks's fortress, and edifice a cathedral defended, similar Justinian'southward great example in Constantinople, to holy wisdom – Santa Sophia.He as well followed Justinian in commissioning a codification of Russia'southward laws. The legal code known equally Russkaya Pravda (Russian Truth) is founded in his reign.

In essence, the Tatar Horde ameliorate known as the Mongols became the enemy to this Byzantine Russia after Kiev's initial trading advantage in its access to the wide steppes of eastern Europe and key Asia would be disrupted. A Russian chronicle of 1054 provides the first mention of the arrival on the steppes of a fiercely marauding group of nomads, the Kipchak Turks (known to the Russians as the Polovtsy). The Kipchaks oft disrupt Kiev'due south merchandise, and it is a weakened metropolis which is conquered in 1169 by a rival fellow member of the purple family based in Vladimir. A greater disaster follows in the class of the Mongols, who destroy the city in 1240. And during the following century holy Kiev, the birthplace of Russian Orthodox Christianity, is annexed past infidel Lithuania.

I would suggest that the Crusades were the portal for the influx of the Magi controlled post captivity House of Judah, from which the subversion of Christian kingdoms would begin beyond Europe through Russia, and from that same base of operations, they likewise moved e. This places the little spoken of landmass betwixt Russia and China into the hotspot for the ruling elites, of which petty is known in the public arena. I would suggest the Magi through their at present controlled Knights of the Temple enabled the the same to control a powerful secret society in the center of the west, offering this new power on the cake the title of Rex of Jerusalem in league with Saladin in the pact of 1150, pulling the Mongol Hoard, the Templars and Sunni Islam, under the wing of the Talmudist's.[B]

They would set out to create the heart of this new coin and power Hungary movement in Western Rome, Italy, commencing the building of the Vatican complex as nosotros today know it, on top of what was there before, and to so claim information technology as the eye of Christendom from the start, in order they could sideline Constantinople and movement to oppose it. The Vatican oversees the canon and thus state police, the Holy See, which controls the Vatican, the Inner City of London and Washington D.C. has moved to shift land police into its own jurisdiction, that of Admiralty and Maritime Police force through the utilize of the Birth Certificate as opposed to the catechism Title, the Live Birth Record. Written report.

The terminal chiliad years would be the history of concealment of the real heritage of Europe with a slow and methodical undermining of the priesthood, from which they were able to replace the truth with the garbage we are offered today, mayhap the main deception laying siege against the man Jesus and declaring him the Christ. But of course that is a subject unfinished, these are only my thoughts built up over many years of study. With that in mind I present my thoughts on the long lost empire of Tartaria.

Oft over the years have I found myself staring at the world map and the huge expanse that is Siberia and wondered….why has this place been left alone by the sickness that is the financier?

At no point during my days nether education was the huge landmass to the e of Russia, inclusive of Siberia, ever discussed outside of a mere fleeting mention to present a culture , and I took geography every bit a course.

Then yous find Tartaria or more unremarkably known equally Tartary. Dipping your olfactory organ inside the idea that is Tartary, many things that are taken as sacrosanct are thrown into total and complete disarray.

If as is being projected the origin of the white race is to be found in the Caucasus, that Iran by definition of its proper noun, is so named to depict her origin as a construct of the Aryan, that the Bolsheviks sole intent was to wipe out the Aryan race, or the original Russian, so nosotros can better understand that the white race every bit a whole has a serious enemy. An enemy that appears to accept full command over our governing machinery through the incorporation of the Country from which they have managed to fix our nations populations to war against ourselves.

The first epitome to be challenged would be what academia offers up as chronology. Non a new concept at all which Isaac Newton presented to his Queen Anne when he supplied a chronology of aboriginal kingdoms. Nevertheless, that is the merely betoken on which the 2 histories have affinity, considering if Tartaria is indeed a point of fact, then Newton was cementing the history offered by the Biblical tradition as the just history mail service Crusades. Newton was said to be the last of the nifty Magi, an Insider, which and then suggests the aforementioned are in full control of the entire Hebrew Tradition.

The second would exist to contemplate the fact, everything your entire experience has forced fed you lot to take as the existent, both in a historical context and in the moment or in the now, is perhaps the biggest deception e'er to have been accustomed as fact past a global population in which a future they are coerced to vote in, will cancel them out. [See Pandemic].

The third is to face up the idea that there once was a global empire, not that long agone, which broke upwardly when certain members of the trade agreement wanted more and moved into a function that they called the parasite, what the Christian tradition would phone call Judas, and demolished the long held credence of each others cultures inside their own boundaries, which had served to let for a peaceful existence past all the nations in agreement, without everyone having to be uniform. The remnants of the Tartar empire are thought to accept been completely demolished past about 1733, but at the very same time through the coming Catherine the Swell, neither Russian nor corking, the Russian empire was about to expand as a vassal of the Prussian'south as the Magi through war, conquered groovy swathes of Deutschland and the British Isles.

We must as well consider that the book called-for frenzy that took place beyond Europe, claimed to be a holy human activity in the burning of the works of Luther, was in fact a removal of the books that perhaps gave the real truth most what Rome was, in guild a new Rome, the one we have today, could be birthed to bedazzle the populations through a faux heritage and a completely contrary liturgy.

At that place is besides a quaternary : Tartaria, The Other Side Of The Equation

Below video added 9 August 2021 :

The chief narrative of the currently promoted story on Tartary presents the idea that a huge and highly technologically avant-garde northern hemisphere empire existed, that after some dubious internal decisions were enacted, the consequences triggered a series of catastrophic events that saw many of the inhabitants abscond. That since at least the Heart Ages, all bear witness of the empire was systematically deconstructed until another force finally killed off all the survivors past the mid 1700s, from which all references to the empire Tartaria, would be omitted from all future academic works. That the Tartars were the good guys without mentioning the fact, the Tartars are the Mongols and affiliated tribes.

My thoughts steer towards the Mongol invasion beingness a encompass for a much larger attack on the entire landmass itself, leaving history seeing just the Mongol every bit native to those lands. Then you find research, backed by Google Globe, that suggests a massive nuclear conflagration and a series of cataclysms was as well in play, but the historians tell the states we are on a linear timeline of technological advancement. Could the Mongols have been the liberators of the landmass dorsum into a Tartarian tribes hands? What I do know from my Chinese studies is the fact, Prc and Mongolia were non on practiced terms, ever. Either mode what is presented as history appears to be incorrect. In State of israel it is now beingness discussed that over 90% of Russian Jews are non actually Jews, such a question raises yet another potential, a demand to include the fact that Khazaria was completely conquered by the Prussian's through Catherine the Nifty, this and so filled the pogroms,  we are now at a point were we beg the question…who really controls State of israel?

The world that has been offered as history, since at least the Crusades, is but a fraction of the truth, and moreover, what we today accept equally our foundation, is a fiction created by the parasitic factions that would build upon the remnants of a greater global civilisation and claim it as its ain. The system they are pushing over the earth is best classed as the Mystical Body of Satan.

On the back of the revelations of this empire, the out-at that place brigade are making their movement upon information technology, the first I came across was the flat earth division, an immediate red flag, and and then it was the obligatory claims of extraterrestrial technologies that came out as the second.

I then learned of a growing idea of a mud alluvion event not that long ago which lead to a concept they are calling the restart.[one] If the giant pyramid and other huge circuitous buildings were in fact a part of one ancient global empire, then nosotros could indeed be speaking of technologies such every bit how to use sonics to move huge blocks of stone. The miss-use of this technology, we are told, took place in Atlantis, which was an agreement between ten empires, that moved to takeover the world for itself. If sonics were employed and the world began to vibrate, and then Egypt and all other buried archeology would have sunk into the liquified soil and sand, thus offering explanation for the many buried cities and complexes around the world. Then at that place is the idea of a great inundation which could create the same mud fill we tin see in many cities around the world, merely the line being covered with the mud inundation idea places the issue only centuries ago and not millennia. Either way the truth is existence hidden.

5G Could well be the ways to creating an earth liquefaction through sonic vibration…

The idea itself does have teeth but from my browsing of it so far, appear to miss out the fact, when wondering why there are and so many orphans during the last two centuries in Europe, practice not connect the war dots, which from the late 1700s through upwardly to the present, was war. They then commenced the three World War strategy into the 1900s. Children and the move of, has been a constant through the centuries of war. They kill off the adults and are left to practise as they please with the remaining children. In Uk the City of London exported hundreds of thousands of British children across the commonwealth while importing blacks and Asians back into U.k.. In Federal republic of germany towards the end of the Second Earth War every bit the Bolshevik Russians entered Federal republic of germany, over 1.5 million German language women were gang raped to decease, leaving only children.[2][iii]

More than than that, state of war leaders of the Second Globe War acted to ensure a huge encroachment into Europe by Bolshevik Russian federation.

Heading the charge for a Russian controlled empire called Tartaria is Alexander Fomenko, merely the old books I take read so far prove conspicuously that the main enemies of Tartaria are the Muscovites, the Mohammedans and the Rothschild British East India. His credentials come from a Russian federation nether the Soviet Bolshevik regime which presents a big red flag, this is especially important when contemplating the real motives behind the rise of the new ability in the Due west, the Russian Orthodox Church. Could Fomenko be the rallying call to push Russian federation up the slippery devils pole equally we transcend the West and caput into the prison from the East?

Tartaria was a global empire spread by the Irish gaelic :

la galerie agreeable du monde

Great Wall of Red china
Marco Polo wrote an extensive and detailed account of Asia in the 13th and 14th centuries and did non even mention a wall.The Great Wall is not seen on any maps pre-dating the late 1600'southward.
And so well-nigh of information technology's construction occurred in 1700'due south and it was congenital to keep the encroaching Chinese out of Mongolia. The openings on the wall are on the north side towards the former Tartary not on the due south China facing side. It should be called the Great Wall of Mongolia.

With all that in mind nosotros will enter this topic through the eyes of centuries gone past every bit they speak of Tartaria as we would today speak of Europe.


I spent many years seeking out data virtually Atlantis as a constant study, only around ten years ago I ceased, non being able to find new inspiration to move the concept farther.

With the idea of Tartaria, and having seen the Inuit statement that the Earth had shifted on its axis a couple of years ago, an image of the Earth from above over the N Pole, launched an idea that Tartaria supports.

Was the old historic period we call Atlantis the pivotal landmass point that today is the North Pole, surrounded every bit it remains today, by Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, and the Americas, but in its days of celebrity was positioned in what today is the West? Lemuria would so be what is said to be being un-iced in Antarctica.

The thought would cancel out the historical programme every bit we accept been led to believe, that to canvass between the Continents across the Eye Ages required a huge undertaking from Men manner above the normal in intelligence and tenacity, and more to the point, in keeping historical chronology in melody with Scaliger's fraud of a historical devolved humanity evolving to the expression we suffer today.

Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

John Neal – Ancient Metrology: Measuring the Megaliths

References to Tartaria from one-time sources

Evidence of highly advanced scientific methods employed within Tartaria from the 1600s :
Lexicon technical, or, a universal English language lexicon of arts and sciences : explaining non only the terms of fine art, but the arts themselves, by Harris, John, 1667? – 1719, p 294 :

Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

Source for download : Internet Archive

Taken as a screenshot we accept here a map of North America said to be from 1570 clearly showing a huge city and area named nation :

Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

Claes Janszoon Visscher 's rare Twelve Caesars world map. He clearly uses a specific colour to denote boundaries for each empire and shows North America and Mexico to be within the same colour as Tartaria :

Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

CJ Visscher's earth maps are among the near spectacular world maps published in the 17th Century. The present map is one of four world maps with decorative panels issued by Visscher between 1614 and 1652. In 1639, Visscher prepared this exquisite earth map on Mercator'south project in the style of Blaeu and Jansson. This example is the final state of that map from 1652, adamant by the date engraved in the lower correct image, side by side to the small-scale southern hemispheric map.

Embellished with scenes of twelve Roman emperors mounted on horses in full boxing gear – thus ofttimes chosen the "Twelve Caesars Map" – along with representations of the four continents, half dozen costumed figures showing the mode of apparel in each of the regions (Europeans, Asiatici, Africani, North Americans, South Americans and Magellanici), and including eight city views (Rome, Amsterdam, Jerusalem, Tunis, Mexico Metropolis, Havana, Parnambuco and Bahio Todos Santos).

Study on His Journey to Ilchí, the Capital of Khotan, in Chinese Tartary in 1867

chinese tartary

In 1983 the CIA released this certificate

Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

If the above document is a existent CIA written piece of work, and then I advise it is further evidence that the Russian Orthodox Church is the Church of Zion, and, in forming the huge deception for the Mohammedans to absorb, suggests that this new energised political Islam is but a front for the new world gild to be used equally the subverter of Gods creation. Or, they are destroying the creation and replacing it with Islam the sword.

In essence we can conspicuously encounter that in the Northern Hemisphere at that place once was a great empire held together under a trade understanding. That something happened within the empire that caused a schism, the perpetrators being called the parasites, or Judah/Judas. Hence, there is Israel the nation and and then in that location are Jews and the simulated and un-holy Templar Israel.

One time in that location were the Israelites who became imprisoned by Judah that became known collectively as Judaism. Judah would reform behind the Khazar and birth Sabbateanism that would move to create a new prison for the tribes in a place chosen Palestine. Today they telephone call that prison house Israel and promise to slaughter at least two thirds of those living in Israel to activate the slaughter in Europe.

458 BC-One 24-hour interval in this twelvemonth the petty Palestinian tribe of Judah (before disowned past the Israelites) produced a racial creed, the disruptive issue of which on subsequent human affairs may accept exceeded that of explosives or epidemics. This was the 24-hour interval on which the theory of the master-race was gear up as "the Constabulary".

The Controversy of Zion Douglas Reed 1951

It is besides said that the returning Levites after the Babylonian captivity were in fact total fledged black magician's who took root within the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who had been outcast by the Israelites.

So we have a bit of a puzzle to exist solved… did those tribes imprisoned by the Temple suspension costless? If this is the case it would then follow that from within those tribes imprisoned by Judah, many fled Due west, they fabricated dwelling in Europe and Britain and showed themselves in the following heraldry, and that the faux Israel in Palestine is the ways to re-grouping the tribes back into the yoke of the subversive tribe of Judas.

The other side to that idea would be that the Israelites equally a whole, are the evil doers. If nosotros move dorsum into the the Old Attestation at the time immediately following the Exodus, it states that the Israelites used the Ark of the Covenant equally a weapon of war, against the Amorites, Midianites and Philistines.

What this suggests is that the utilize of energy weapons has been going on for over a thou years, as such, they had perfected the technology to the point that it was able to have out many millions of Tartarians.
 The free energy weapons melted cities and destroyed the civilisations of Egypt, Hellenic republic and Rome in what was the aforementioned time period as Jesus, (perchance only a thousand years ago) and were heavily influenced by what was Tartaria. One thing we practise know is that history, especially chronologically, has been manipulated always to big up 1 detail race over others, thus what we see equally ancient history is nothing of the sort, they take fabricated our heritage and pushed way back into remote history many recent historical events, that they have also expanded the extent and power of their own empires, if they ever had any.

A great insight into the history of the Tribes and also Judah which is reverse to the electric current narrative is the book, The Controversy of Zion Douglas Reed 1951-6 Published 1978 PDF download.

It would be the Queens that defeated the Hyksos in Egypt, and perhaps the real reason they accept gone all out to hide such a narrative from Egyptian heritage within the network we phone call Academia.

Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria

A Discourse concerning the Tartars, which aimed to prove that they are the Israelites, or Ten Tribes which, being taken captive past Salmaneser, were transplanted into Media. By Giles Fletcher, Md of Both Laws, and quondam Ambassador from Elizabeth, Queen of England, to the Emperor of Russia. This was found in Sir Francis Nethersole's study later his death, Memoirs of the Life of William Whiston, 1749  (Chapter 388.)

I have expanded this narrative which likewise destroys the current Jewish claim of Trump and King Cyrus : Tartaria, The Other Side Of The Equation

[A] Sword Mitre and Cloister, Nobility and the Church in Burgundy, 980-1198, Constance Brittain Bouchard, 1987

[B] The Golden Horde: 1237-1395

Zolotaya Orda, or the Gilded Horde, is the proper noun given by Russians to the invading Mongols who sweep through the country from 1237 and who later on boss the region, for almost 2 centuries, from their encampments on the lower reaches of the Volga. The phrase is traditionally said to derive from a golden tent used past the horde'due south leader, Batu Khan. The Mongols, in this Russian context, are as well often described by still some other name – the Tatars.

Most of the Russian cities of any note are ravaged by the Mongols in the two years betwixt their sacking of Vladmimir and Moscow (1238) and of Kiev (1240). In 1241 the horde returns to the grasslands effectually the Volga.

From this region the leaders of the Aureate Horde control the petty princes of much of Russia – largely by the unproblematic device of treating them every bit glorified tax collectors. The princes are given gratis rein in their own territories as long as they deliver sufficient tribute.

Batu makes his capital letter from 1243 at a place on the Volga named after him – Sarai Batu, the 'encampment' of Batu. His brother Berke, succeeding to the leadership in 1255, adopts Islam every bit the religion of the horde. His capital, Sarai Berke (to the east of modern Volgograd), becomes a thriving urban center of mosques and public baths, in the primal Asian tradition, with some 600,000 inhabitants. Information technology lasts until 1395, when information technology is destroyed by Timur. Source

[ane] Foundlings and the Orphan Trains

[two]Total introduction of the main subject matter relating to the mud flood idea.

[iii] Betrayal of those Russians who fought against Stalin were returned to Stalin later on WWII.

Further Study
The Royal Gild, A Very Well Paid Government Department Pushing Climatic change
Seeking Ophir, The Phoenician Empire
Why St George? Has England's History Been Faked Pre-14th Century?
Shabbatai Tzvi & The Sabbatean-Frankist Chronology From 1492 To Israel
Winston Churchill : Zionism Verses Bolshevism 1920